F2F Class Notes _9th Jun(Harmony)***

*** next class use new vocab to write a story!

Visitors Visa/ Tourist Visa:  a visa for a country you want to visit, but not work in.


Form/application:  something you fill out to apply for something. (like a job, a visa, a bank loan)

Focus and slowly I need to be focused and work slowly


My stomach not get very well – my stomach doesn’t feel very well





Advertising (add – ver – tys – ing)


Quit – verb


Eg.  I want to go to my home by public transportation.



photographed (photo – graft):  had a picture taken

  1. My brother photographed me.

decade (deck – aid):  10 years.

Eg.  I want to be a good woman for decades.

fate (fayte):  your destiny/future.

Eg.  I think doing this job is my fate.

2013 – two thousand and thirteen / two thousand thirteen

initially (in – ish – ul – lee)

proud: to be confident/ having a high opinion of yourself/ thinking you have a lot of importance.

Eg.  I built a house by myself and was proud of it.

Eg.  She was proudly holding her baby boy.

Eg.  My mom was proud of me.

Accept:  to take.

Eg.  He gave me a gift and I accepted it.

Eg.  I accepted a book from my co-worker.

Accept vs. except:  not including.

Childless: no children.

Eg.  If I don’t want to marry I will be childless.

Treatment:  to receive help for an illness/problem.

Eg.  If you have cancer you need to go to the hospital for treatment.

Eg.  My dog was sick so I took it for treatment.

Initially: first/ at the beginning.

Eg.  Initially I thought it wouldn’t rain today.

Eg.  Initially I didn’t want to change my job.

Frail:  easily broken/ delicate/weak

Eg.  I think the glass cup is very frail.

Clearance: (noun) approval

Eg.  Before I make any changes I have to get clearance from my boss.

Eg.  Before painting my apartment, I will get clearance from my landlord.

Eg.  My mom gave me clearance to use the car all weekend.

Eg.  I got clearance from my mom to pay for a new cell phone.  (, from my mom)