F2F Class Notes _7th Apr (Harmony)

Lady bro – Best friend

Period:  the time of the month for a woman.

If you have a tripif you take a trip

Give you have a try – give you clothes to try on

At this trip – on this trip

Glasses:  the things you wear on your face to see better. To see cleary.

Ex:  My glasses are old, I want to get new ones.

Toothpaste:  you put it on your toothbrush, and use it to clean your teeth.

Ex:  I like to use Japanese toothpaste.

Blow Dryer/ Hair Dryer:  to dry your hair after the shower.

Ex:  My blow dryer is broken; I will buy a new one.

Comb (silent b): to untangle your hair.  To make your hair look better for the day.

Ex:  This shop is a comb shop, there are a lot of different kinds.

Towel:  used to dry your skin after the shower.

Ex:  I must take a towel with me when I go to the gym.

Lotion:  to apply to your skin after you wash it.

Ex:  I need to buy some lotion for my face.

Sink:  the place where you wash your hands.

Ex: Kitchen sink

Ex:  I have a new house, so I want to buy a beautiful sink to make my bathroom become beautiful.

Shower:  water comes from high up, and you stand in it.

Ex:  Before I go to bed I like to shower. 

Bathtub:  You sit in the water.

Ex:  If I feel very tired I like to take a bath to relax me.

Ex:  I will take a bath in the bathtub with nice music and a rubber ducky.

Mirror: the thing you look at to see yourself.

Ex:  I think every girl needs a beautiful mirror.

Hand soap/soap:  liquid or bar form to clean yourself.

Ex: dish soap/ laundry soap

Ex: We just have a little hand soap, so we must go to buy more.