F2F Class Notes 7th April (Jesse)
RSVP – to say how many people will come
eg. he will RSVP later
advertising – guang gao
eg. there is a lot of advertising on TV
project – an organised work
product – a thing you buy (a service / thing)
organised = zu zhi
N = en
physical fight – fist fight – cat fight (girls only)
eg. it often turns into a physical fight when alcohol is involved (when people are drunk)
northerners / people from the north / northern people
eg. people from the north are often loud and confident
they speak their mind / they tell you what they think / they’re straight forward
racist / sexist
eg. black people are all dirty = racist
eg2. jewish people are all careful with money = racist
eg3. chinese people are all good at maths = racist
race = where you’re from
sex = gender = male/female
start their own business – zi ji kai de gong si
eg. i started my own business a few years ago
haven’t money – I don’t have any money / i have no money
lend you money = give you a loan
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