F2F Class Notes _6th Apr (Harmony)
Vowels: A, E, I, O, U (sometimes y)
Gin (jin)
R sound – lay your tongue flat. Comes from your throat, not your tongue.
- Short (more like a kiss face during the r)
- Far
- Floor
- Poor (closed teeth)
- Carpet
- Door
- Worse (closed teeth after r sound)
- Severe: extreme
- Failure (fail – yur) (closed teeth after r)
- Are (ARRRRR matey – like a pirate)
Way (smile!)
Close (clothes)
Literally: used in situations that are actually true. No exaggeration. Word for word, actually.
Ex: I literally laughed out loud. (I actually laughed out loud and made noise)
Ex: I literally just checked those statistics.
Figuratively: a figure of speech, a metaphor.
Spelled the same, make sure to read the context around it before pronouncing it.
Tear (teihr) : a drop of water
Tear (tehr): to rip
Snare: to trap, or a type of trap.
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