F2F Class Notes 5th Apr (Harmony)

Discount:  a sale, or a cheaper price.

Ex:  I usually buy clothes that are on discount.

Discount for brining own cup to starbucks = your coffee will be cheaper if you bring your own coffee cup.

Trial:  a test period/ to test something first.

Ex:  My mattress comes with a 6 month trial period. = I can take the mattress back within 6 months if I don’t like it.

Ex:  I have a 9 month trial period at Smart English.  = your testing it out.

Cut down:  decrease, make the number smaller. (cut down a tree, the tree is smaller)

Ex:  In Shanghai sometimes you will see some workers who cut down a tree trunk on the streetside.

Ex:  I want to lose some weight, so I will cut down on how much dessert I eat.

Reduce:  make smaller, decrease, cut down.

Ex:  I will reduce the amount of money I spend by not buying dessert.

Increase: up

Decrease: down

Strategy (stra – teh – gee):  a plan to complete something.

Ex:  I have made a strategy in order to finish all of my work today.

Ex:  My boss has a strategy to increase sales this month.

Ex:  My friend has a strategy on how to spend our vacation.

Americano: espresso in water (meishi café)

Drip coffee/ filter coffee: slow brewed coffee, through a filter.  (cheaper than Americanos)

Reusable:  can use again, and again.

Disposable:  throw away, one time use.

Ex:  People like to buy disposable things, and then throw them away.

Ex:  I often use disposable chopsticks.

Lie:  to not tell the truth.

Ex:  I lied to my mom, and now I’m in trouble.

Lay: to lay down on something.

Journalist:  an author/or writer for a magazine or paper.

Ex:  He is a well known journalist.

Journal:  something you write in, a book that is special for writing in.

Ex:  I have a journal to write in while I’m on vacation.

Ex:  She writes in a special journal.

Environmentally friendly:  good for the earth, or safe for the earth.

Fewer: less than

Ex:  Fewer than 1 in 400 paper cups at cafes are recycled.   = Less than 1 in 400 paper cups at cafes are recycled.