F2F Class Notes _28th Apr (Harmony)

I came back to homeI went back home




About to begin: hasn’t started yet

Just began:  just started.




Shrink:  to become reduced in size.

Ex:  The tumour shrunk after treatment.

Cough (coff) syrup (ser –up):  medicine that you drink to help your throat/cough.

Ex:  If you got a cold, you may need cough syrup.

Allergy (al – er – gee):  a sensitivity to something around you.  Could be in the air, or something you eat or put on your skin.

Ex:  I always get allergies in spring.

Ex:  Some people are allergic to bee stings.

Ex:  I’m allergic to some flowers.

Journal (jer – nal)

*** Cognitive (adj.) (cog – nih – tiv):  of or relating to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes.

Dementia (de – men – sha):  a disease where you lose your memory slowly. (mostly old people get this)

Ex:  The old man has dementia, he can’t remember much.

Asthma (as – ma):  having trouble breathing, so they need a puffer to deliver medicine to their lungs.

Ex:  The little child has some trouble breathing, so he needs to bring asthma medicine with him.

Insomnia:  when you can’t sleep at night

Ex:  I need to use some medicine to treat my insomnia.

***Metabolism:  必应词典  the way your body breaks down food to give you energy.

Ex:  Metabolism is an important process for our bodies.

Ex:  That boy has a high metabolism, he can eat and eat and eat and never gains weight.

Impairment: a state of being weakened or damaged, especially mentally or physically.

Ex:  That drunk driver was impaired, he shouldn’t have been on the road.

Ex:  The soldier has an impairment, he lost his leg in the war.

Ex:  A disease may result in impairement.

Medicine – taken directly, as a treatment from a doctor.  Given by a doctor – your prescription.

Medication –  something you take to keep healthy on your own.  (vitamins etc.)  but can be added to medicine by a doctor as a step in their healing.