F2F Class Notes _26th Apr (Harmony)

It tooks me seven hours – It took me seven hours/ it takes seven hours

Spicy (spy – see): food that has hot peppers and burns your tongue/ makes you sweat.

Ex:  I don’t like spicy food.

Shanghainese food:  the specific name for food from Shanghai.

How many generations:  how many of your ancestors have lived in Shanghai before you?

Ex:  I am the third generation in my family to live in Shanghai.

Dependents insurance: you can apply to get coverage through some insurance companies at work for your family members.

  • Spouse: husband or wife
  • Children

Dependents: any person that depends on you to take care of them.

Canada “Free” Medical:  so you pay a certain amount each month, based on your salary.

  • The more money you make, the more you can afford to pay for medical.
  • Prescriptions (per – scrip – shuns): the note the doctor gives you to get medicine from the pharmacy.

Ex:  After seeing the doctor we always get a prescription.

  • Pay by yourself, unless your work insurance covers it.

“Walk in Clinic’s”:  similar to an emergency room, but not for severe cases.  So you can wait in line to see a doctor almost immediately.

Doctor’s office:  where you need to make an appointment to see your doctor.  Most of them not at the hospital.

  • Day to day appointments/ blood work
  • Similar to china’s doctors that are in the hospital.

Hospital:  emergency’s and set appointments for medical care.

Recurring (re – kurr – ing) (adj):  happens again and again.

Ex:  She had a recurring illness, so she always went to the same doctor.

Ex:  I always have a recurring nightmare.

Uncle:  your aunts husband/ your dad (or moms) brother.

Ex:  I have a lot of uncles.

Bare minimum:  the very least that you can do.

Ex:  Some bad employees only do the bare minimum.