F2F Class Notes _25th Jan (Harmony)
is coldest than today – yesterday was colder than today.
blanket (blang – ket): a large rectangular piece of soft fabric designed for warmth. Usually on your bed.
ex: This blanket is made of wool.
made in – where
made of – material
made up of – material, or product used.
Season: one of the four times of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter)
ex: My hometown has 4 seasons.
ex: Thailand has 2 seasons, rainy season and dry season.
many kind of food – many different types of food
a warm hart – a warm hat
I don’t have like or dislike for the rain – I do not mind if it’s raining
If i often to drive, I don’t like snowing – If I have to drive, I don’t like the snow
I don’t to buy – I don’t choose to buy
my company have our annual party – my company has the annual party today
colleagues (kol – eegs)
go to vacation – go on vacation
a lot of ground – flat
wheat: a grain of grass, grown in the flatlands. Good for making bread and noodles etc.
ex: The noodles are made of wheat.
Corn: tall plant that grows on a stem, and produces large long yellow edible plants.
ex: I like to eat barbecued corn.
moist: wet, or damp.
ex: I like living in moist weather because I think it’s good for my skin.
humid: contains a lot of water, or very wet.
ex: The weather in Shanghai is very humid.
ex: I prefer humid air.
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