F2F Class Notes _23rd May (Harmony) [3]

3: Technique: Grammar/Pro: review + free talk on topic (focus on errors)


$1 = 100 cents/pennies

decade – ten years

just another day at work – this means nothing unusual happened



Abandon:  to give up/ to throw away/ leave behind.

Eg.  The man abandoned his dreams of being a famous actor.  = he gave up.

Eg.  I will not abandon hope that the puppy will live.

Abandoned:  left behind/ thrown away.

Eg.  The parents abandoned the babies that were sick.

Baseball (base – ball):  the sport with the red and white ball, and a bat and gloves.

Eg.  I’ve never played baseball because baseball is not a popular sport in China.

Badminton:  the sports with a high net, long racket and a birdie.

Eg.  Most Chinese people have played badminton.

Stadium:  a sports field, usually with seats for people to watch.

Eg.  The musical festival usually is held in a sports stadium.

Collar: (call – er)  the necklace a pet wears.

Eg.  If you don’t give your pet a collar, it’s easy to lose it.  / The pet might get lost.

Adopt:  to make your own/ the action of taking in a pet/child that needs a home or a parents.

Eg.  Would you like to adopt a cat?

Adopted:  you take something (child/pet) and give it a home.

Eg.  Some people who cannot have babies will adopt.

Collects (kull – ecks)

Please (verb): to make sth happy.

Eg.  I am pleased with you./  Parents are hard to please.

Dehydrated: (verb) doesn’t have enough water in it.  Thirsty

Eg.  I didn’t drink water all day, now I am dehydrated.

Eg.  I ate a lot of sunflower seeds so now I am dehydrated.

Vet/veterinarian: (noun) a pet doctor.

Eg.  As a vet you need to have good temper.

Ballpark/baseball stadium

Fate: destiny, something that was going to happen, and is out of our control.  It was meant to be.

Eg.  Meeting my husband was fate.