F2F Class Notes _22nd Mar (Harmony)

perk:  something other than money that you receive through your employment.  ex:  gym membership, free movie tickets, company car, company cell phone.

ex:  This company gives good perks to their employees to stimulate their enthusiasm. 

Got fired (sounds so negative)

“Got let go”  (more polite) ex:  I was let go from my job today for _____ reason.

ex:  We let Johnny go, because his performance was always so bad.

Dismiss ex:  I was dismissed from my job for financial reasons.

ex:  I had to dismiss Johnny because he was always late. 

he was quit for his job he quit his job

“I quit my job”

“ I gave my notice at work today” – “Johnny gave his notice today”

“I resigned from my job today” – “Johnny resigned”

notice:  announcement, or advanced warning that you intend to resign.

ex:  Johnny gave his notice to his manager today.

resignation letter:  the letter you give to advise them you are quitting.

ex:  Johnny gave his resignation to his manager today.

laid off: not the persons fault, but the company needs to downsize, or maybe there’s not work left to do.

ex:  I was laid off today, because there is not more work at that site.

ex:  Johnny was laid off today, because there is more work at that site.

employment insurance (E.I.):  in Canada, you pay into this monthly (a deduction) and the government keeps an account for you if you need to access the money when you are laid off. 

(N+1 in China)

month (mun – th)

two months (too mun-thse)

maternity leave:  when a woman needs to have a baby, she will get this type of leave from work.

ex:  A woman gets maternity leave when she is going to have a baby.

maternity:  the state of being a mother, motherhood.

paternity:  the state of being a father, fatherhood.

ex:  The judge will ask for a paternity test during the trial.

ex:  Some employers will offer paternity leave to new fathers.

personnel:  another word for staff.

ex:  We have hired the best personnel to finish this project.

HR Manager/District Manager/HR specialist/ Manager/ Team Leader

complex:  composed of many connected parts, is a very complicated arrangement. 

ex:  Our management team is a complex structure.

complicated:  difficult to understand or explain. 

ex:  Explaining the management hierarchy is complicated. 

recruit:  to sign someone up, or to hire them.

ex:  The HR Manager began to recruit new personnel for the company.

ex:  The HR Specialist is responsible for training the new recruits.