F2F Class Notes _1st Apr (Harmony)

because  (b cuz )

spirit (spear – it)

spiritual (spear – it – chual) [spir-i-choo-uh l]

paaarts  (british style)- parrrts (American)


in terms of:  regarding something, concerning something

we (wee)

implicity (imm – pliss –it – lee) imiplicit:  something is implied; you understand it without it having to be said outloud.  Or maybe, it’s something you just understand without thinking too much about it.

Ex:  My boss has implicit trust in me.

Often (off – ten) (offen)

Respiratory (ress – pira – tory) system:  the system in your body that takes care of breathing – lungs, throat.

Ex:  Your respiratory system works well.

Vital:  necessary, very important

Ex:  Your vital task is to finish your work.

One’s (wons)  — (not wens)

Appropriateness (ah – pro – pree – ate – nuss)

Do I cover my o’sdo I skip over the letter o, when I pronounce things?

Do I pronounce it well?/  Did I say that right?

Scientifica  – scientific  – focus on hard c at the end. 


Quiet (kwy – et)

Simultaneously (cy – mull – tain – e – us – lee)

U – u(h)ltimately, use (yooz),

Two vowels in a row, the second vowel makes the first one says it’s name.

A, E, I, O, U (sometimes y)

  • Braid – a
  • Quiet – i

(next class!)