F2F Class Notes _1st Apr (Harmony)
Humidity: the moisture in the air. (how wet the air feels)
cluster: a number of things of the same kind, or a group of things or people that are close together.
ex: In a new company you will find a cluster of people who have the same interests as you.
ex: A cluster of grapes.
evangelist: usually someone who is trying to share religion with others. Can be borrowed for other meanings.
ex: Can we turn clinique fans to evangelists in digital world? – Can we make our fans spread the word about our products?
shallow (adj): to describe someone who is only concerned about looks. Doesn’t care about personality.
ex: My friend is so shallow, she only dates really handsome men.
peer(noun): a person of the same status. a general word for – friends, co-workers, teammates.
ex: I got this book from one of my peers.
ex: I will make decisions based upon my peers opinions.
Story writing together:
Humidity, cluster, evangelist, shallow, peer
This story takes place in Shanghai, which is very humid. On a day like today the humidity is extreme. There is a cluster of people walking down the street, and they don’t like this kind of weather. May called her peer Harmony on the phone to complain about the humidity. Harmony said “You should love this kind of weather because it hydrates your skin, and keeps you beautiful.” Harmony was an evangelist for this kind of weather. May thinks she cares too much about her looks, and is a little shallow.
Humidity (hue – mid – ih – tee)
There was an evangelist standing on the street corner handing out flyers. Because of the humidity he was sweating all over his flyers.
Anesthetic (anne – ess – thetic) – quiet pronounciation on the ‘th’
Story Telling: May
Dissolve, stitches, thread, anesthetic, thumb
He said that he cut his thumb during washing the plates, and went to the hospital. Firist the doctor used some anesthetic then the doctor stitched using some thread and the next time after 7 days he need to get the thread out. But then I discussed to give a birth to a baby from not a natural way to get a baby out, but ot cut a tummy to get it out. I thought it was very painful and I was frightened. I asked him if you get a baby out not in a natural way, it was much more painful right? Jesse said maybe it was okay because that kind of thread is special one and it would dissolve in the body.
Jesse said that he cut his thumb while washing the plates, and went to the hospital. First the doctor used some anesthetic, then the doctor stitched his thumb with some thread. After 7 days he needed to get the thread out. But then we discussed giving birth to a baby not in a natural way, but to cut the tummy to get the baby out. I thought it would be very painful and I am frightened. I asked him if you get a baby out not in a natural way, would it be much more painful? Jesse said maybe it was okay because that kind of thread is special and it would dissolve in the body.
But somebody cut the tummy – to cut the tummy
Was: you’ve experience it already.
Would: I’ve thought it might be….
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