F2F Class Notes _18th May (Harmony)

*** Keep practicing “World” pronunciation.

Email Writing:

Sure (shur) 1

Share (shair) 1

I cannot sure if she is the focal point of this position –  I am not sure if she is responsible for these positions/this position.

I writing an emailI am writing an email/ I will write an email.


May I know if you are the CF of this position Can you tell me?


I’m not certain if you are the CF of this position, if not can you help me find the right person to send this to?


  1. Please find/see the attachment(s) for your reference
  2. I have attached more details for your reference.



Suitable (soot – a – bul)



Thank you for your last detailed information regarding job grade, but I think there is differences between China and Malaysia.  I will take an action for re-evaluation of this job grade from China team.

Thank you for the detailed information regarding job grade.  However, I think there is some differences between China and Malaysia. 


I will look into this, and send you a re-evaluation of this job grade from the China team.




I will look into this – more confident! doesn’t say that you need to ask for help or that you don’t — just shows them that you need more time.


1 – 5 at the late – 5 after 1, at the very latest.




Hear 1 (heer/ here)  **listen to the context

Neglected (neh – gleck – tid)

Boundaries (bown – da – ries) *** more native (boun – dries)


Clerks (clurks)

Truck – no “N”

Breed:  heritage/ bloodline/ your genes/ race

Ex:  I had a dog that was a Labrador breed.

Inflation (in – flay – shun)


Recognition (reck – ug – nih – shun)

Curb: (verb) to stop/ to prevent.

(Noun) the part of the sidewalk that separates the cars from the people walking.