F2F Class Notes _14th Mar (Harmony)
motivation: providing reason to act in a certain way, or the desire to accomplish something.
ex: Giving an employee a raise is good motivation for them to work hard.
ex: I don’t have a lot of motivation on the weekends.
I’m not care about promotion – I don’t care about promotion
do more works – do more work
strict: when someone has a lot of rules that you have to obey.
ex: My family has very strict rules.
don’t like me to go back home late – doesn’t like me to stay out late
for social with my friends – to be social with my friends
to get along well: to play well with each other, or to be polite to another person.
go for a trip – take a trip
business trip: a trip that you have to take for your work.
ex: My boss told me you need to take a business trip next week.
would fight me – would get angry at me
take her phone – take her phone call
allowance: an amount of money that parents would give to a child to spend.
ex: I didn’t get a lot of allowance when I was a child.
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