F2F Class Notes _13th June (Harmony)



Rickshaw – a small taxi that is usually illegal, 三轮

Awe – amazement, but used casually to express appreciation of something cute

Ex. Awe, you got me flowers!



abandoned:  to be left behind/thrown away.

Eg.  Your cat was an abandoned cat./ was abandoned by someone.

Abandon:  to leave it/give up.

Eg.  I abandoned my dream of being a doctor.

Eg.  I abandoned my homework because it was too hard for me.

Puppy:  a baby dog

Collar (call – er):  a necklace for dogs.

Name tag:  a tag that hangs off of the collar and tells the name and address of the dog.

Adopt:  to take in as part of your family/ to give a home to.

Eg.  Harmony adopted an abandoned cat that was at the university.

Bat/baseball bat:  the long wooden/metal piece of sports equipment to hit the ball with.

Please: (verb) to make sth/someone happy./ give me pleasure.

Eg.  It would please me if all the students reviewed their notes.

Eg.  The puppy pleases the crowd.

Eg.  When I give my son lego, he is pleased.

Dehydrated (de – hi – dray – ted):  you haven’t had enough water lately.

Vet/veterinarian: pet doctor/ a doctor for animals.

Aside from = besides

Coach:  a type of leader for a sports team

First base coach:  a coach in baseball that stands at the first base to instruct the players.

He Added = he also said

Fate:  the future/destiny/meant to be