F2F Class Notes _11th May (Harmony)
Company (come – pan – ee)
Women (weh – men)
Woman (wuh – man)
Reaction (re-action): an action as a result of something.
Ex: When I trip and fall, my reaction is to put out my hands.
Ex: When my friend scares me, my reaction is screaming.
Ex: when it’s freezing outside, my reaction is to wear more clothes.
Harassment: any form of bullying or hurting others.
- Sexual harassment, verbal, mental, physical
Executives (egg – zeck – u – tives): high level management, ex: CEO
Ex: When the company doesn’t run well executives might resign.
Security (noun) (seh – cure – eh – tee): form of protection, someone or something put into place to keep things safe. Freedom from danger.
Ex: Someone works in a security office/ for a security company.
Ex: The bank has an alarm system for security reasons.
Secure<> insecure
Confident, safe — not confident, embarrassed, not safe.
Insecurities: things you are not confident about.
Ex: If someone hates me, I will feel insecure.
Politician (pall – ih – tish – un): someone who works in politics. They set up policies. (government)
Ex: The politician changed the law about….
Problem (probb – lemm)
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