F2F Class Notes 9th September (Raph)

Explicit (adj): 1- stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt. 2- showing or referring very openly to nudity, violence, or sexual activity.
E.g.: The movie contains scenes of explicit violence.

Intentional (adj): 1- done on purpose; deliberate.
E.g.: The killing was intentional and premeditated.

Unintentional (adj): 1- not done on purpose.
E.g.: His comments were considered offensive, but people thought that was unintentional.

yesterday, I saw a news from Weibo that is a comment about a precaution on Air China from Nayyar. The precaution suggests that tourists should not lonely visit the poor district . He thought that it was racial imformation because the precaution included Indian, Pakistani and black man. By the way,he is an Indian player who play Raji on Big Bang in USA. However, I think it may be a mistake because Chinese logic is different between the English and they may used wrong words under unknown

Yesterday I saw a piece of news on Weibo about a comment made by Nayyar, the actor who plays Raj in the American sitcom The Big Bang Theory, about a warning issued by Air China. The warning suggests that tourists should not visit poor districts in London unaccompanied . He thought that it was racist, because it explicitly included Indian, Pakistani and black men as people to be avoided. However, I think it may have been a mistake because Chinese logic is different from the English and they may have used the wrong words unintentionally.