F2F Class notes 8th September (Eddie)

fatigued = tired, exhausted, depleted

fatigue = the state of being fatigued, chronic tiredness

chronic = long lasting, or which has existed for a long time, such as a disease.


He suffered from chronic heart disease.

chronological order = the order in which events happen


Please arrange the following six historical events in chronological order.

her eyes are bright – there’s a spark in her eyes

my father chose for me / it was my father’s choice

If I had another chance, I would choose biology.

contradiction n = direct opposition between two statements or attributes

contrast n = difference

ambivalent adj = having two opposing opinins at the same time

relevant adj = something of importance or significance =/= irrelevant


He was a very good hockey player when he was younger, but as he got older, this became completely irrelevant.

cord = cable, line, as in earphones cord

extension cord = an electric cable used to supply electricity away from wall outlets

cordless phone = a phone which is not connected to the wall or its base by a cord

jargon = specific language used in different professions such as medical, military, academic etc