F2F Class Notes 9th May (Tony)


attract new consumers

designs have become timeless

it (the design) will never go out of style

level off – for a number to stop increasing and become stable

eg: Sales have leveled off since 2015.

restrict – stop from doing sth.

eg: The shirt is a little restricting, I can’t move very well in it.

ergonomic – designed to fit human body, hands, shape, or any part.    a science that deals with designing and arranging things so that people can use them easily and safely

eg: Arket sewing patterns are more ergonomic, so they fit better and are less restrictive.

french terry cotton – a method of sewing cotton, that creates more surface area, therefore cooling and drying faster.

eg: French terry fabrics are usually not as durable.

cropped – cut shorter

taper – narrow width on one side, larger width on other side.


the price has been going up – started going up before, still going up now

has been increasing – started in the past and is still happening now


patent – pat ENT

pattern – Padd Ern