F2F Class Notes 9th March (Raph)


Recruiting (n): 1- the process of employing new people to work for a company or organization.
E.g.: Our HR team has decades of experience in the recruiting of college and university graduates.

High-end (adj): 1- intended for people who want very good quality products and who do not mind how much they cost.
E.g.: He prefers to shop at high-end shops.

Evolution (n): 1- a gradual process of change and development. 2- the way in which living things change and develop over millions of years (v: to evolve).
E.g.: The new telescope has helped us to understand more about the evolution of the universe.
E.g.: Darwin is the creator of the theory of Evolution.

Bittersweet (adj): 1- containing a mixture of sadness and happiness
E.g.: The end of the movie felt a bit bittersweet.

Scary  (adj): 1- frightening, something that causes you to be afraid or worried. (v: to scare)
E.g.: Being in a management position can be very scary.

Horror (n): 1- an extremely strong feeling of fear and shock, or the frightening and shocking character of something. 2- a Horror Movie is a film in which very frightening or unnatural things happen, for example dead people coming to life and people being murdered.
E.g.: He was very affected by the horrors of the war.
E.g.: We went to the cinema and watched a very scary horror movie.

Technology (n): 1- 技术

Technical skills (n): 1- 技术能力


Style: /staɪl/

Bulk: /bʌlk/

Manage: /ˈmæn.ədʒ/

Afraid: /əˈfreɪd/

Romania: /roʊˈmeɪ.ni.ə/

Bangladesh: /ˌbæŋ.ɡləˈdeʃ/

Myanmar: /mjɑːnˈmɑːr/

Status: /ˈsteɪ.t̬əs/

Temporary: /ˈtem.pə.rer.i/