F2F Class Notes 9th August (Jesse)

a thing / stuff / things

phenomenon – a fact of life that is incredible / amazing
eg. let me tell you about a phenomenon that I found out about recently

obsessive compulsive disorder – OCD
eg. I am obsessive compulsive
eg2. I have OCD / I have a bit of OCD

pedantic – to be overly concerned with minute (small / tiny) details

my father does the same thing

it runs in my family / it’s genetic / it’s a habit I picked up from my family / it’s in my blood

pension – the regular payment you get from a retirement fund
eg. I watched my I grandmother laying her pension out on the bed and counting it

on bed – in bed / on the bed 

1: most common + essential – at home / at work / in bed / at school / in hospital

2: connected / common – the bus / the train / the subway / the bank / the airport / the library / the post office / the cinema / the car

3: individual things / places – at a cafe / at a restaurant / on a plane / on a boat / in a taxi / at a meeting

with the head facing the right way up

right way up < > upside down

we need to make sure that the hang tag is facing the way they want / the right way

she has it even more-so than I do
eg. she has OCD even more-so than I do / than me

as to – as for
as for = regarding
eg. my dad is really good at it… but as for my grandma, she’s really bad

what on earth (polite) / what the hell (rude) what the F… (very rude)

it’s out of our hands (casual) / it’s out of our control (standard)
it’s up to you… it’s out of our hands = your responsibility, no longer ours.

worldly design / multicultural