F2F Class Notes 8th May (Tanya)
innumerable – a lot of, uncountable
deformed – not normal, unusual, means that something is not shaped the way it should be
e.g. My hat is all deformed because I put it in my suitcase!
obliterated – completely blasted away, destroyed
on the off-chance – unlikely chance
e.g. On the off-chance that it rains today, I’ll bring my umbrella.
disseminated – spread out, distributed
to cinch – to secure a garment with a belt, to secure something tightly
e.g. These pants are too small. They’re cinching my waist.
garment – a piece of clothing
maternity leave – when you take leave (go on vacation) to give birth or to take care of your newborn
authoritative – bossy, with authority
authority – the power to give orders, make decisions
e.g. Some professors have a lot of authority in a classroom. All the students pay attention when he says something.
meek – subdued, open to instruction, goody-goody
e.g. Her kids are very meek. They always listen to what she says.
catamaran – sailing boat
maternal – relating to mothers
e.g. She took a maternal watch over my hospital bed. She was always there with me.
bouts – episode, session, a short amount of time
e.g. I had several bouts of severe chest pain again today. My chest pain came and went several times today.
to chalk something up to something – to give an explanation to something
e.g. I chalk my back pain up to working too hard. I’m saying me working too hard is the reason I have back pain.
gruelling – terrible, exhausting
e.g. I worked a gruelling 18 hours today.
to tether – to connect
suite (a fancy room) vs suit (what guys wear to work)
tethered (stuck on) vs tattered (破)
When breath becomes air – Paul Kalanithi
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