F2F Class notes 8th June (Christian)
Spinach – a vegetable, a leafy plant vegetable – What popeye eats!! Strong guy!
Beyonce= Fiance
Im seeing someone= you are romantically involved with someone but you are not boyfriend and girlfriend yet.
In the past 8 years=
He is one of the army= He was is the military
Navy= Involved in warfare using ships
Army= Involved in warfare on land
Air force= Involved in warfare in the air
Conscription= You have to spend some time in the military
Its hard to jump in the army= Its hard to get a promotion
edited: Today is the second day for university entrance examinations and I believe not only are the students very nervous and stressed, but also that their parents are in the same boat.
In China ,at the beginning of our school lives we are always told by people around us that we have to study hard to achieve the qualifications required for the best high schools and universities, so that we are able to get the highest salary possible and lead a happy life. However it misleads so many young boys and girls as the world is totally different from what they were told by their parents and teachers when they were younger.
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