F2F Class Notes 8th December (Celeste)***

Next Class: Continue reading the article below. Learn the new vocabulary.

Speaking exercise

I have a pattern drawing class.

Today, I drew a pattern of a skirt on paper with a pencil and a ruler  in my pattern drawing class.



How long does it take you to _____? It takes me _____

eg. How long does it take you to go to work? It takes me 15-20 minutes.

eg. How long does it take you to go to your hometown, Zhejiang? It takes me 3 hours.

eg. How long does it take you to go to your hometown, Seattle? It takes me 11-12 hours by plane.


Materials to Get Started

There are only a few cross stitch supplies required to get started. Aida cloth is easiest for cross stitch beginners because it’s slightly stiff and has the squares clearly visible. On other even weave fabrics and linens, cross stitches are usually worked over two threads. If the fabric is flimsy, you might need a cross stitch frame to hold it smooth as you work.


supplies ( sup – pl + eyes ) n. – anything you need to make  sth

eg. When you make a dress you need these supplies: scissors, materials, thread (xian), and needle (zheng).

eg. When you go to school you need many school supplies like: rulers, pencils, pens, notebooks, book bag.

eg. When you make a bookshelf you need these supplies: wood, metal…

ingredients ( in – gree – dee – yints ) n. – any food that you need to cook or bake sth

eg. the ingredients in a cake are flour, milk, sugar, and eggs.

aida cloth n. – cloth used for cross-stitching

stiff adj. – does not move easily

eg. My back hurts, back is stiff.

eg. Wood is stiff, cotton is not stiff.

eg. The desk is stiff, the sofa is not stiff.