F2F Class Notes 8th August (Celeste)***

Homework: Please write a story or be prepared to tell a story in class using the new vocabulary from last week.

predictions ( pre dik shins ) n.-the act of making a guess

predict / predicting / predicted / will predict v. -to make a guess

( cun tain ) v. – to hold, to consist of

populous ( pop- you- liss ) adj. – a lot of people

economy (e CON uh mee )

economists (e CON uh mists )

( speer its )

usually ( you ZHULL ee )
1. gold

2. silver

3. bronze

steroid (st-air- oy – d)- performance enhancer

pills ( pi – ulls )

He said he is a drug cheat.
He said he is using drugs / steroids.
He is taking drugs
He is on drugs / steroids.

forbidden vs. allowed

Sun Yang didn’t know this situation.
Sun Yang didn’t know these pills are not allowed / forbidden.

Maybe he thinks we are disappointed on/to him.
Maybe he thinks we are disappointed in him.

In 2008, he broke the record and in 2012 he broke his own record and got the gold medal.

He took home the gold.