F2F Class Notes 8th August (Celeste)

Most children were raised by their grandparents.

They haven’t a lot of opportunities to express their appreciation.

They don’t have a lot of opportunities to express their appreciation.

only child
– only 1 son/daughter

eg. I am an only child.

How hard their parents to raise them.

Grandparents and parents will raise their kid together.

The children don’t realize how hard it is for their grandparents and parents to raise them.

We also ask him to clean the trash box.

He is responsible for trash bin.

He is responsible for cleaning/washing the trash bin. 

It is his responsibility to clean/wash the trash bin.

Even me don’t do a lot of homework.

Even I don’t do a lot of housework.

allowance n. – some money to give to children when they do some housework

daily chore chart – housework chart for kids

I forget to supervise/check on him, so he doesn’t follow the rules/standards.

We are prepared to move the house / move the living place.

transfer to another place for living

We are preparing to move to a new / another apartment.

We are packing to move to a new apartment.

Our current house is expired at the end of August.

Our current lease will expire at the end of August.

We want to live in our next apartment for 2 years but the landlord is only willing to sign a 1 year lease/contract.

It’s our base line to choose our next apartment.

It’s our number one/first priority when choosing our next apartment.