F2F Class Notes 7th September (Tony)

My company work lens I work on design for lenses

I work in xunyu for China I work for xunyu in China.

It is a Chinese company

my company make lens My company makes lenses for other brands.

like huawei and apple

This company is called Zhongxin

My company is called sunyu

I didn’t lens for chinese phone and america phone We don’t make lenses for Chinese phones

we don’t make lenses, we make glass which is a part of the lens

we make glass which is part of lenses

Give me a phone

Give me the phone

Which one do you want?


A: use a if there is one

The: use the if there is only one, if you know which one

How do you spell that?

Brand: name of the company

Lens: The glass part of the camera

Photo: What the camera makes.

I like to take a photo I like to take photos