F2F Class Notes 7th November (Celeste)***

Next class: Continue writing directions or instructions on how to eat Hairy Crabs.


sleeve n. – part of a dress, shirt, jacket that touches your arms

eg. In the winter we wear long sleeves.

eg. In the summer we wear short sleeves or sleeveless dresses…

duck/goose feathers / down feathers / down n. – feathers often used in clothing to keep warm

eg. I can’t wait to wear my puffy down jacket in the snow.

turducken n. – a chicken inside of a duck inside of a turkey sometimes eaten for holiday dinners in the USA

skeleton ( skel- li – tin )  n. gu jia

eg. Humans and most animals have endoskeletons.

eg. Crustaceans (crust – stay – shins ) like lobsters, crabs and shrimp have exoskeletons. (outside)

How to cook and eat Dazha Xie

  1. Boil or steam the crabs for 15 minutes. When the crabs are red, they are ready to eat / to be eaten.
  2. Untie/cut the ribbon/rope/string/grass.
  3. Flip over the crab on its back to open the belly. If you don’t take/remove the belly, you cannot open the shell.
  4. Open the shell, then take the stomach and heart out.
  5. Break/pull/pry apart



Alaskan ( uh – lass – skin ) King Crab