F2F Class Notes 7th March (Joseph)
Unbearable – when something is very very uncomfortable (e.g. The weather in Tianjin was so cold it was unbearable.)
Tall – only for the height of someone or something (e.g. I work in a very tall building.)
High – when you talk about something up in the sky (e.g. Airplanes fly very high in the sky.)
Stereotype – a generalisation of a group of people (e.g. Stereotypes are bad for equality.)
Equality – treating people with different genders, culture or skin colour the same as each other. (e.g. Equality is an important issue in today’s society.)
Contact lenses – 隐形(美瞳)(e.g. It is very common in China for women to sell contact lenses on WeChat.)
Patient – the ability to wait for something (e.g. I am not a very patient person, I don’t like to wait for people.)
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