F2F Class Notes 7th July (Jesse)

light rain (n), rain lightly (v)
heavy rain (n), rain heavily (v)
storm – lei zhen yu (n / v)
thunder – lei
lightning – shan dian
hail – bing bao
typhoon – tai feng
eg. yesterday we had some light rain, but I think it will storm / we will have a storm and there will be lots of thunder and lightning. Tomorrow I think there will be a typhoon.

today there is a computer here / tomorrow there will be a computer here
today there is a storm in shanghai / tomorrow there will be a storm in shanghai

Now, there is a storm in another place in Shanghai, but after 1 hour there will be a storm here.

other / another
one other = another
the other = just have 1 more
the others = has many more (all of them)
eg. after this class I have another student
eg2. the other student I have is called Jerry, but my other students have different names.

Penny really likes sun umbrellas, but Jesse doesn’t like them, he likes normal umbrellas.

How long do we have class for? (every day)
How long did you have class for? (in the past)
How long have you had class for? (in your life / recently)
How long will you have class for? (future)
When did you arrive today?
How many minutes ago did you arrive?
I took the bus to get here / I took the bus to work
it takes 40 minutes to get here from my home
My iphone is broken so I will fix it.

nouns (eg. person / people)
a specific one / the only one – the
just 1 / any – a
someone’s – my / his / hers / china’s / yours
how many? – some / many / a lot of / 1 / 2 / a
all of them / a group – people

the person
a person
my person
10 people