F2F Class Notes 7th December (Tony)


I‘ve never flagged any inappropriate content online.

I’ dont own any businesses.


terrorist – A person who will attack or kill other people to support their message.

recruit (v) – persuade or get someone to join your group

recruit(n) – a person who joined the group

database – a collection of all the info together eg: “There is a database of the company’s stock info at the headquarters.”

flagged – digitally marked with an identifier

Collaborate – work together eg: “They both wanted to win the competition, so they decided to collaborate and make one stronger team together.”

Cooperate – work with eg: “He cooperated with them on every part of the plan, and was never troublesome.”

extremist – someone who takes an idea to the most intense level eg: “Extremists cause problems for their religion and other innocent people.”

draw the line – decide at what point something is ok or not ok eg: “Where do you draw the line with internet censorship.” “Terrorism, violence and animal abuse is where I draw the line.”


Tony’s = Tonies

Thomas‘ =  Thomases

Business‘ = (sounds like) Businesses