F2F Class Notes 7th April (Tanya)


a verb – 动词

ethics – the study of right and wrong

e.g. Ethics is an important branch of philosophy

ethically – morally correct

e.g. We believe in ethically produced clothes. This means that clothes aren’t produced by people who work for very low salaries under bad conditions.

exploitation – using people for your own purpose and hurting them in the process

e.g. If I only talk to Chuyi from now on to get Ferrer Rocher from her, I would be exploiting our friendship.

oppressive – inflicting hardship on a group of people (usually a minority).

e.g. The king of that country is very oppressive to his people (he’s bad to them).

to reassure – to make someone feel secure, to confirm something

e.g. I was so scared my money was going to get stolen if I left it there, but my friend reassured me that it wouldn’t.

criterion (singular)

criteria (plural) – things you judge something by, “factors I use to measure…”

e.g. The criteria I’m going to use to choose a new handbag are 1. It has to be big, 2. It has to be of good quality and 3. It can’t be too expensive.

font – type of letter

margins – 边儿

e.g. I changed the margins on my word document so everything would fit on one page.

to inflict – to do something to someone

e.g. My brother hurt me, he inflict pain on me.
regime – a government (bad connotation)
e.g. Syria’s regime is very rough to its people right now.
in bold – this is bold 

in italics – this is italics

underline – underline

strikethrough strikethrough

diplomatically – “like a diplomat”, very nice, polite, not brutish, by talking

e.g. My friends are fighting right now and I’m trying to help them solve the problem diplomatically.