F2F Class Notes 7th April (Raph)


Write a paragraph using words that you’ve learned in the last three classes.


Simulate (v): 1- to do or make something that looks real but is not real.
E.g.: In cheap furniture, plastic is often used to simulate wood.

Bilingual (adj): 1- able to use two languages equally well, or (of a thing) using or involving two languages.
E.g.: She works as a bilingual secretary for an insurance company.

Trilingual (adj): 1- able to speak three languages.
E.g.: He is trilingual. He speaks French, Chinese and English.

Virtue (n): 1- a good moral quality in a person, or the general quality of being morally good.
E.g.: Patience is a virtue.

Virtuous (adj): 1- having good moral qualities and behavior.
E.g.: He described them as virtuous and hard-working people.

Vicious (adj): 1- The police said that this was one of the most vicious attacks they’d ever seen.
E.g.: The police said that this was one of the most vicious attacks they’d ever seen.

  • A Virtuous circle is  a beneficial cycle of events or incidents, each having a positive effect on the next. A Vicious circle is a negative cycle of events or incidents, each having a negative effect on the next.


(Original – Edited)

I usually came here on Wednesdays and Saturdays. – I usually come here on Wednesdays and Saturdays.