F2F Class Notes 6th November (Peter)

Corrections (original – corrected)

To take part in activity – to take part in an activity

Creativity to show himself software in his work – showcase apps that people have been working on

I looked a very long show – I watched a very long show

Foreigner people – foreign people

Construction of their face – face structure

Not good as my father – not as good as my father


Vocabulary 词汇

Hiccups – (verb or noun) 打嗝

Ex. I have the hiccups/I’m hiccupping.

Humidity – amount of moisture in the air

Humid – muggy, wet.

Showcase – (verb or noun) to present, presentation

Convention – a showcasing event, usually for technology or interests

Kalimba – also called a thumb piano. An African instrument made with a wooden box and metal prongs.

Expressions 成语

If someone “can’t stomach something” it means that they feel sick looking at or talking about something.

Pronunciation 发音

Products (PRAW-ducks)