F2F Class Notes 6th May (Jesse)

get done – to complete your work

eg. today i got a lot done 

Did you get much done today?

No, today i only got a little done 

Took a water 

sent a cup of water 

I got a cup, pour the water, and hand it to them 

the rest of the time = the other time 

eg. i gave water to clients and the rest of the time i just played with my phone 

reception desk 

task = a piece of work 

how much do you get done when it’s water duty day? and how much do you get done when it’s not water duty day?

so do you get done more on water duty day or normally? 

did you do a lot of that today? or a little bit? 

A – normal work = important?

B – water work = not urgent

Normal day: A

Water day: A & B 

accept – to let something happen / not refuse

receive – to get something in your hands

delivery man / courier – “coo ree ar”

career – “ka reer”

held / organised / put on 

eg. my boss held a meeting for us last night

joined / attended / went to 

eg. i joined the meeting that my boss organisedÂ