F2F Class Notes 6th January (Tanya)


to order food – 外卖

e.g. I like to order food on baidu waimai because it’s easier than cooking.

entrepreneur – someone who started his own business

e.g. There’s a lot of entrepreneurs who want to start a business in the technology industry.

fussy – 很紧张, easily upset

e.g. Moms are usually really fussy with their kids.

Business is booming (idiom) – business is going really well

weekend – 周末

to conduct – 引导

trauma – 外伤;损伤;精神创伤;痛苦经历
e.g. He crashed into a tree and suffered a bad head trauma.

endorphins – a chemical that your brain releases that makes you happy

e.g. A lot of people experience a runner’s high after they go jogging. This is because the brain releases endorphins after exercise.

homeless – people who don’t have a house or a place to live

e.g. A lot of homeless people have to live on the streets in winter.


women (wimen) vs woman

judge – dj udge


bias – bye yes


to determine