F2F Class Notes 6th January (Raph)


Road trip (n): 1- a trip taken by car.
E.g.: We are going on a road trip in California.

Procrastinate (v): 1- to delay doing something.
E.g.: When it comes to housework, I tend to procrastinate.

Port (n): 1- the place where (such as airport or seaport) used for loading and unloading of cargo
E.g.: The government wants to expand the city port.

Harbor (n): 1- a protected area of water next to the land where ships and boats can be safely kept.
E.g.: They kept the ships in the harbor during the storm.


(Original – Edited)

May I recording our conversation? – May I record our conversation?

Celeste think I have a big problem with pronunciation – Celeste thinks I have a big problem with pronunciation – 

Speaking exercise

There is an actress who called Lynette, she was a full time housewife in the past five years but  in this season she wanted to have a full time job, so she changed the role with his husband. I mean his husband stayed at home to take care of his 4 children. However, Lynette’s new boss was a single woman who crazied about her job, so she asked Lynette do not take a leave anytime. An accident happened the youngest son of Lynette went to the primary school. Lynette really wanted to be with his son at the first day of the school but his new boss didn’t approve this leave application. Finally, Lynette figured out a new technical method to resolve this problem. On the first day of her youngest son to primary school she used a camera to connect her son in her office, but at the same time she needed to attend another meeting in another room, so it’s a kind of busy day for her, she had to cross from a room to another room for different situation. I mean, attended a meeting and met her son through camera. But she didn’t get a good results from this two scenario. First her boss blamed her absence of the meeting constantly. Second, her son cannot talk to her when he needed his mother. This situation impressed me because I had two kids, so I need to balance work and life, as Lynette.


There is a character called Lynette who had been a full time housewife over the past five years. In this season she wanted to have a full time job, so she exchanged roles with her husband. I mean her husband stayed at home to take care of their 4 children. However, Lynette’s new boss is a single woman who is crazy about her job, so she requested Lynette to not take time off/a day off/ a leave of absence at all. An accident happened to Lynette’s youngest son the morning of his first day of primary school. Lynette really wanted to be with her son on the first day of school but her new boss didn’t approve her day off/leave of absence. Finally, Lynette figured out a new technical method to resolve this problem. On her youngest son’s first day  at primary school, she used a camera to connect with him from her office. But she had to attend a meeting in another room at the same time, so it was a kind of busy day for her and she had to go back and forth from a room to the other. However, she didn’t get a good result from this situation. First, her boss criticized her for constantly leaving the meeting. Second, her son couldn’t talk to her when he needed his mother. I can relate to this situation because I have two kids and, just like Lynette, I need to balance work and personal life.


Scenario: \sÉ™-ˈner-Ä“-ËŒÅ,\

Mont Saint-Michel – France