F2F Class Notes 6th February (Tony)


whoever invited you pays the bill

private  personal questions

bring a gift

pry – to forcefully open something, to ask too many personal details

eg: “I don’t mean to pry, but where did you buy those shoes?”

boundaries – bounds or limits to something

eg: “You should stand outside the boundary.”

nosey – a person who asks many questions about your personal business

eg:  “My relatives can be a little nosey sometimes.”

majority – more than any other similar thing

eg: “The majority ethnicity in China is Han.”

Hispanic – Latin American, from South America

eg: “There are very many Hispanic people in USA.”

greeting card – a card with special words for birthdays or special events

eg: “A phone call is just as good as a greeting card.”

gift card – a card you with money on it that can only be used where you bought it

eg: “A lot of money is leftover on gift cards.”