F2F Class Notes 6th December (Celeste) [3]

Try to use these words in a story:

decent,  a scope, get second thoughts, corporate, initiative, self discipline, stick to


The reason that I want to quit my last job was not about my former manager. He is a decent person, so it’s nothing about him. The real reason is that I found out the scope of this job was not that large for me. I collected other opinions from my corporate colleagues about this career and I got second thoughts about this. So, I finally decided to launch my own career. I think this is the initiative that I could start with. So, now the things I have to do is make plans and stick to them and get self-discipline.



The reason that I wanted to quit my last job was not about my former manager. He is a decent person, so it’s nothing about him. The real reason is that I found out the scope of this job was not big enough/that large for me. I collected other opinions from my corporate colleagues about this career and I got second thoughts about this. So, I finally decided to launch my own career. I think this is the initiative that I can start with. So, now the things I have to do are make plans and stick to them and have/develop self-discipline.


Upgraded vocabulary 

My motive to quit my last job was not because of my former manager. He is a good guy, so it has nothing to do with him. The real reason is that I realized this job wasn’t challenging enough for me, I knew it wouldn’t push/advance me to higher levels or places.  I  confided with my corporate colleagues about this career and I changed my mind / got cold feet. So, I finally got up the courage/guts to launch my own career. I think this is my first step. So, now the things I have to do are make plans and stick to them and have/develop self-discipline.



spiral staircase = winding staircase


confide / confiding / confided / will confide v. – to discuss private matters or problems privately


good guy / decent person = nice, kind, warmhearted, considerate, sincere, helpful, honest, truthful, trustworthy


Students were selected randomly to be pretend to be prisoners or security guards.


warrant n. – Law. an instrument, issued by a magistrate, authorizing an officer to make an arrest, seize property, make a search, or carry a judgment into execution


jail/prison cell – room in prison or jail


customary adj. –according to or depending on custom; usual; habitual