F2f Class Notes 5th November (Selma)


to alter (v) – to modify or change something abstract

e.g. My friend altered her proposal after consulting with me.

comedy – generally refers to a movie, not a theatrical performance

Sci-Fi (science fiction)

Action movies 

Rom-Coms (romantic comedy)

Appealing to the eye  – very aesthetically pleasing

Aesthetics (n) – relating to, involving, or concerned with pure emotion and sensation as opposed to pure intellectuality.

e.g. This room is very aesthetically pleasing/appealing to the eye.


I moved into changed to  a US company.

In the US company,

They raise a lot of challenge to your proposal They question your proposal a lot so you are constantly altering it. 

They are very slow to make decisions when it comes to decision making.

They have moved into Australia.

Usually, on the weekends, we go to theaters to see different performances, such as opera, ballet, comedy performance.

It was a touching movie. 

Recently, I have been feeling very hesitant to watch Chinese movies.

She was very true to herself.

A lot of people try to replicate her photo.


thirty – ther-tea

Book Recommendations: The Thirteenth Tale, Gone Girl