F2F Class Notes 5th January (Jesse)

Next class: job description (maybe need Judy)


wo xi guan – i’m used to it / i’m used to doing sth
eg. because I have done it like this for 20 years, so I am used to it.
eg2. I am used to staying in Shanghai by myself during Chinese New Year

sometimes i will travel – sometimes I will go on trips

crowded – too many people together
eg. the subway station is crowded at 6pm

china year chinese new year

it has a fast paced life – it has a slow pace of life

rush – to walk quickly / do something quickly (verb)
eg. many people in Shanghai rush to work
eg2. when I make coffee, I don’t rush.

the speed is low = slow
the speed is high = fast

my workload is high

control my time – I can decide what I do, at what time
eg. I am the boss so i can control my time

i want to enjoy my life and have a slow pace of life / and have a relaxing life

in 2017 i have 4 targets, they are: 1, English, 2, learn to drive, 3, workout, 4, get money.

workout = go to the gym to exercise / qu jian shen fang jian shen
eg. I workout every day at the gym

rent – fang zu (n)
eg. I pay rent every month, and my rent is very expensive.

living in shanghai is expensive

Microsoft < > Apple


many money – a lot of money

how much money do you have?
I have so much money
I have much money
I have a lot of money
I have some money

how many people are there?
there are so many people here
there are many people here
there are a lot of people here
there are some people here

go to shopping – go shopping
eg. I like going shopping


movie – V pronunciation
eg. I watch movies every night