F2F Class Notes 5th December (Celeste)

Speaking exercise

I heard your joints pop/crack.

My joints hurt.


cloth napkin vs. paper napkin

eg. Usually when you eat at a nice restaurant they use cloth napkins. At fast food restaurants they use paper napkins.

Jacuzzi = hot tub

eg. I think my favorite sport in winter is having a good hot tub. = My favorite thing to do to relax during the winter is sitting in a hot tub.


Would –  to make a statement or form a question less direct or blunt

eg. Would you please open the window? – polite = Will you please open the window?

eg. Would you please let me think? = Will you please let me think?!

eg. Would you please wait for the traffic light? = Will you please wait for the traffic light?

would – when you want to ask but need to order/demand

eg. I would like a cup of coffee and a sandwich.  = I want a cup of coffee and a sandwich.

eg. I would like 2 tickets to this movie. = I want 2 tickets to this movie.

Can / Could – used to express possibility / used in making polite requests

eg. Could you open the window? = Is it possible to open the window?

eg. Could you please get out of my sight? = Get out of my sight! (mean)

eg. Could you please do that somewhere else? I’m studying. / Could you please be quiet?

eg. Could you open the door for me, please?

should – must or ought / to make a statement less direct or blunt

eg. You should eat vegetables. = You must eat vegetables.

eg. You should do your homework.

eg. If you are sick, you should eat chicken soup and drink lots of liquids.

eg. You should apologize.

eg. He should exercise.

eg. April did horrible on her exam, she should study more.

eg. Students should learn about health.