F2F Class Notes 5th August (Jesse)

If i had to live on an island by myself i would tkae a book when i am bored i would read a book. i would take some foods when i am hungry, i would eat some food. i would take a pair of sports shoes and a pair of rain shoes in normal times i would wear sports shoes. if it rains, i would wear rain shoes and i would take some papers and brush as i really like to draw. i would record island life then i would tell my friends.

If i had to live on an island by myself i would take a book and / so when i am bored i would read. i would take some food and when i am hungry, i could eat. i would take a pair of sports shoes and a pair of rainboots. normally i would wear sports shoes but if it rains, i would wear rainboots and i would take some paper and brushes as i really like to draw. i would record the / my island life and then i would tell my friends all about it.
if it rains and / but i wear sport shoes maybe my shoes / socks would get wet
i will get a coffee
i will get married
i would get wet if i go out in the rain
a piece of / some paper = zhi
newspaper = a paper = bao zhi

normally, I get coffee before class, but today, I didn’t have time.
usually, i like to get americano
most of the time, I ask them in Chinese for my coffee
sports shoes – runners / trainers / joggers
rain shoesrainboots / gumboots

tomorrow i am bored – tomorrow i will be bored
if I was bored I would ….
island = eye land
can (ken ding) / could (if)
will (definitely) / would (if)
am / was (if)
are / were (if)

i like coffee and i like tea because coffee is good and tea is good. – i like coffee and tea as both are good.
wear = “where
it just stopped < > it’s about to stop
calendar: ri li
eg. i write my schedule in my calendar so i don’t forget

Schedule: the time you do sth
eg. Hey Jess what is your schedule this week?
Harmony’s schedule was 3 mornings, and 2 afternoons, and 4 evenings every week.

i hate saying goodbye
hate = really really really don’t like

I am rich (adj) = now i am ken ding rich
I will be rich (adj)= future i ken ding hui rich

If I was rich (adj) = now (if) I am rich
If I become rich (adj)= future (if) I will be rich

You will study (v) every day = ken ding
If you would study (v) every day = if