F2F Class Notes 4th September (Ben)

They will be gone 5 minutes after you leave.

a serious condition

We’re not at the same page.
This doesn’t ring a bell.
I became a couch potato and binge-watched movies.

That’s the kind of lifestyle I dislike.
We were both in the same condition.

Have things changed since? (= since that moment)
We are going to go to the gym. This is the first step towards a healthier lifestyle.
I took up driving.

at night
tired = exhausted = drained
I am on the good path. I want to keep it this way.


It’s time to change my unhealthy lifestyle.

Ever since I came back from my travel in Hong Kong, it has been two weeks that I haven’t followed the life plan I set up. I didn’t work out, learn English, read books, write blog, or even cook by myself.
I just didn’t want to do anything but crash on the couch and watch TV, which is the kind of lifestyle I dislike, i.e staying in the comfort zone and being lazy.

Besides the influence of travel, taking up driving can be another reason to blame. I have to get up early in the day I learn driving, because the driving school is very far from the center of the city. After school, I have to go to work, so when I return home, I am exhausted and don’t want to do anything. When the weekend comes, I just want to relax and let myself go. For example, I become a potato couch and binge-watch three movies in one day.

I can’t keep it this way. I need to get my healthy life back. The first step will be to go to the gym and to do meal prep this afternoon. And to keep it this way.