F2F Class Notes 4th May (Celeste) [W/R]***
What is your opinion about food waste? Does your family waste food? If yes, how can you change this? Write a short essay.
Writing exercise
Monica was talking with Joey and saying “I just can’t believe that you think you and Chandler know me and Rachel better than we know you.” Then she offered to bet with them and the winner could get one hundred dollars.
Ross made up the questions for them. Monica and Rachel were a team, Chandler and Joey were a team. Each team needed to answer 10 questions and the first team to answer the most questions would win. He made four categories as “Fears and Pet Peeves, Ancient History, Literature, It’s All Relative”. They used coin toss to see who went first. Then Chandler and Joey picked the category first. The two teams were of about the same score and had a tie. So Ross prepared the lightning round, the team who could answer all the questions in thirty seconds would win. Monica said Joey and Chandler must get rid of the rooster and duck that were kept at their apartment if she won because the rooster was too noisy in the morning. Chandler accepted and said if he won, he and Joey would get Monica’s apartment. Monica was rather confident and agreed. At last, Chandler and Joey won the game, they got Monica’s apartment.
Monica was talking with Joey and saying “I just can’t believe that you think you and Chandler know me and Rachel better than we know you.”
Monica came up with the idea to play a game to prove who knows who better. Then she made a bet with them and the winner would win one hundred dollars.
Ross made up the questions for the game. Monica and Rachel were a team, and Chandler and Joey were the opposing team/their opponents/their rivals/their competitors. Each team needed to answer 10 questions correctly and the first team to answer the most questions would win. He made four categories which were “Fears and Pet Peeves, Ancient History, Literature, It’s All Relative”. They used a coin toss to see who went first.
OR: They tossed a coin to see who goes first.
Then Chandler and Joey picked the category first. The two teams were tied. So Ross prepared the lightning round where the team who could answer all the questions correctly in thirty seconds would win. Monica said if she won Joey and Chandler must get rid of their pet rooster and duck because the rooster was too noisy in the morning. Chandler accepted and said if he won, he and Joey would get Monica’s apartment. Monica was rather confident and agreed. At last, Chandler and Joey won the game and they won Monica’s apartment.
dollars ( doll – lers )
opponents ( uh – pou -nint – ss )
answer ( an – sir )
A third of the food we produce is wasted
The British government has said that a third of the food the world produces is wasted. It said the high level of food waste in the UK is “unacceptable”. Over 7 million tons of food is wasted in the UK every year. A British politician, Neil Parish, said: “One-third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally.” The government said there were many solutions to the problem of food waste. First, schools could raise children’s awareness of food waste from a young age. Secondly, supermarkets could sell vegetables that are thrown away because they are the “wrong” shape. Finally, ‘sell-by’ dates, “use-by” dates and “best before” labels need to change. Perfectly good food is thrown away because of these labels.
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