F2f Class Notes 4th March (Rab)

The spring has finally sprung

Spring – the season of spring

A spring – a metal spiral shape, mechanical tool
Ex. We have a type of spring that is attached to a ball and let’s it return back to you once you have thrown it

Spring = bounce

Wobble – the action of moving around like liquid but a solid – unstable
Ex. This jelly is very wobbly
Ex. My tummy is really wobbly
Ex. A spring can be wobbly

Jelly – a dessert that is like a clear soft plastic

Tummy – is a cute word of belly

Bounce – the action of hitting against something and going in a new direction
Ex. If you throw a ball hard against the ground it will bounce again and again
Ex. I think my son is quite like a ball as when you push him he bounces strongly

Reward system

Incentive – a reward which is worked towards, a reason to do something
Ex. We need an incentive to make us work harder

Ex. What incentive will we provide to our customers to keep them buying our product

You will touch them first – you will contact them first
