VIP Class Notes 4th March (Jesse)


one / then / when – remember: straight up and then down
plane / game / play –
remember: move a lot, up and around

A E I O U – long
a e i o u – short

A good looking person

Describe someone who you think is beautiful or handsome
Who it is
What they look like
How you knew them
Why you think he/she is good looking


cheats on – to have an affair
eg. he cheated on her

honor killing – when someone kills their family member to save the family from shame


silly / ridiculous / insane 
ridiculous – “ree dik you less”
insane = very crazy

silly = cute and funny
dumb / stupid – ben


after I went to work, I got coffee.
I got coffee after I went to work
When I go to work, I am unhappy.
I am unhappy when I go to work.

2 hours after I went to work, I got coffee
I got coffee 2 hours after I went to work.
I went to work and I got coffee after 2 hours.

handful / mouthful / bucketful / cupful
eg. can you give me a handful of nuts?

fits in your hand
eg. the camera was great because you could fit it in your hand

digital camera

obsolete – no longer needed / used due to an improvement in technology etc.
eg. digital cameras are basically obsolete

resolution – the number of pixels on the screen

I listen to you talking
I dream when I’m sleeping

it costs money
i spent money

runners / joggers / sports shoes

it hurts / it is painful
do you feel pain in your foot? Yes there is some pain in my foot

foot = 1
feet = more

constant / constantly
eg. Jesse corrects me constantly