F2F Class Notes 4th July (Peter)
Nothing could let me feel very great, or nothing feel bad – nothing spectacular happened, but nothing bad happened either
I wanted let you could choose a topic – I wanted to let you choose a topic
Currently I have a career – currently I’m between jobs
The situation of my – my situation
A cosmetic foreign company – a foreign cosmetics company
A more higher position – a [much] higher position*
*Note: Brackets [] indicate that something is optional.
I think you have language talent – I think you have a talent for languages
I had business travel to Chicago – I had a business trip to Chicago
So big museum – such a big museum
I was so talked with Jesse – I talked to Jesse a lot
That things shocked me – that shocked me
In Chicago there are two things that are very famous in the world – Chicago is a world-famous for two things
Many information – a lot of information
Palestine – 巴勒斯坦
Idiom – a phrase 成语
Manhattan – The central island of New York City, 曼哈顿
Nile River – 尼罗河
Connotation – the feeling associated with a word
Ex. The word remove has a negative connotation.
Remove – to cancel or take something out of its original place
Relocate – to move something to another area
Arab – 阿拉伯
Arabic – 阿拉伯语
The word cosmetic is understood to be an adjective, and its plural form (cosmetics) is understood to be a noun.
When we use a comparative word that ends in er (bigger, smaller, etc), we don’t need to use the word “more.”
The word crossroads is usually used to describe a place where two or more different things meet.
Ex. Many people consider the Middle East to be the crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe.
Motivation (moe-tih-VAY-shin)
Museum (myoo-ZEE-umm)
Connotation (con-oh-TAY-shin)
Neutral (NEW-trill, NEW-chrill)
Exhibit (egg-ZIB-it)
Pattern (PAA-turn)
Colleagues (CALL-eegz)
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