F2F Class Notes 4th January (Raph)


Hierarchy (n): 1- a system in which people or things are arranged according to their importance: (adj: hierarchical)
E.g.: He was at the bottom of the corporate hierarchy.

Authority (n): the moral or legal right or ability to control.
E.g.: The United Nations has used its authority to restore peace in the area.

Statistics: 统计


Stereotype: \ˈster-ē-ə-ˌtaip\

Mature: \məˈCHo͝or\

Statistics: \stə-ˈtis-tiks\

Hierarchy: \ˈhaɪ.rɑːr.ki\

Speaking exercise

(Original – Edited)

I was over work time. – I was working overtime.

Something related about work – Something related to work.