F2F Class Notes 4th December (Peter)

Corrections (original – corrected)

When she is 20, she was illed (past) – when she was 20, she was ill

Christian told her if you have religion, your sick will be cured– some Christians told her that religion could cure her illness

Peter’s phrasing (说法): when she was 20, my mother was very seriously ill and heard that religion can help people recover from disease.

I learn how to pray – I learned how to pray

I never wished (washed) – I was never baptized.

At August, I baptized – in August, I was baptized


Vocabulary 词汇

Protestant – the branch of Christianity that separated from the Catholic Church, 新教

Church – 1. A religious building, usually in Christianity (lower-case “c”) 2. A religious institution (capital “C”).

Ex. (1) On Sundays, I like to go to church.

Ex. In China, the Church does not control the government.

Disease – serious illness

Baptize – to be washed in water as a part of becoming a Christian

Expressions 成语

If something is “well thought-out,” it means it has been considered (考虑) carefully.

Pronunciation 发音

Protestant (PRAW-test-int)

Cured (KYOUR-d)